Quantum Mechanics:
- Basic Postulates of Quantum mechanics, de-Broglie hypothesis for wave /particle Duality, Davisson and Germer experiment, and derivation of Expression for De Broglie wavelength (Non-relativistic case).
- 14 Wave function and its physical significance, Wave Packet, Phase, and group velocities, Uncertainty principle (Derivation & Applications).
- Quantum Mechanical operators and Schrodinger‘s Wave Equation (SWE)for free particle, Time-dependent Schrodinger equation independent.
- Solution of Problem of Particle in a Box (1-D) by SWE.
Quantum Statistics:
- Introduction to Black body radiation and difficulties encountered in explaining black body spectrum.
- Planck’s radiation formula and derivation of Wien’s and Rayleigh-Jeans Laws From Planck’s Formula.
- Basic ideas of Distribution laws in statistical Physics: Qualitative features of Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Statistics.
- Comparison of three statistics without derivation, Applications of these three statistics.
Crystal Structure:
- Types of solids, Unit cells, Types of crystals.
- Translation vectors, Lattice planes, Miller indices.
- Simple crystal structures, Interplaner spacing, Crystal structure analysis.
- Bragg’s law, Laue method, Numerical Problems.
- Point defects: Schottky and Frankel defects.
Band Theory of Solids
- Introduction, Kronig-Penney model: E-k diagram,
- The effective mass of an electron.
- Intrinsic semiconductors: Electron concentration in the conduction band, Hole concentration in the valence band.
- Extrinsic semiconductor: p-type and n-type semiconductors.
- Fermi level, and its explanation.
- Hall Effect: Hall voltage and Hall coefficient, and its Experimental Verification.
Course Features
- Lectures 15
- Quiz 0
- Duration 1 hour
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 201
- Assessments Yes
- 5 Sections
- 15 Lessons
- 10 Weeks
Expanse all sectionsCollapse all sections
- Quantum Mechanics5
- Statistical Mechanics3
- Crystal Structure2
- Band Theory of Solids2
- Previous Year Question Paper3